Upcoming event:
Annual 4th of July Poker Run
Sponsored by the Newman Lake Property Owner's Association and Silverbeard's Marina!
Thursday, July 4 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Start at any dock with a yellow flag on it to get your playing card
Questions? Want to host a dock or donate a prize? Contact info@newmanlakewa.com

The Legend of Bass Point
The following was written by Anne Muzzy and presented at a Tri-Community Grange picnic held May 18, 1952. Before the 1880’s, each summer the shady shores of Newman Lake were covered with Indian encampments. The Indians roamed the hills for huckleberries which they...
Request for Volunteers to help with Boat Traffic Study Labor Day Weekend
Hey Everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying life at the lake this HOT end of summer! As many of you have probably heard, I’ve been working on a study this summer looking at erosion , boat use, and collecting information around Newman Lake that is quantifying the waves...
Algae Outbreak at Newman Lake
Hello Newman Lake Community,A big Thank you to those who have been communicating with District staff regarding the recent algae outbreak. We appreciate your concern and the time you've taken to send in photos, and notify us of the algae locations. Two water samples...
Newman Lake, WA
Important Contact Information
- Emergency Response – Call 9-1-1
- Crime Check – Phone: (509) 456-2233 to report any unusual activity
- Newman Lake Fire & Rescue – Phone: (509) 226-1482 · (509) 226-5384
- Newman Lake S.C.O.P.E. – Sheriff Community Oriented Policing Effort. Phone: (509) 226-4357
- Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Marine Enforcement: Deputy James Ebel, (509) 477-7608
- Inland Power & Light – Phone – (509) 747-7151. Power outage report line (877) 668-8243. Website Link to report and monitor power outages.
- Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife – Spokane Office – (509) 892-1001 for assistance with wildlife encounters – moose, cougars, etc