The “Fair and Equitable Assessment” petition, brought forth by community members in 2016 is being acted on by the Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Three appraisers are being hired to start the process of reassessing NLFCZD parcels!

  • Many thanks goes to community members who worked on the petition process, as well as the Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District Advisory Board, the Newman Lake Property Owners Association and community members who advocated that the NLFCZD should not be responsible for the cost.
  • On August 10, the Board of County Commissioners approved the allocation of $160,000 for the Board of Appraisers from the General Fund (the county’s budget). With this allocation, the Board of Appraisers can now start their process of reassessing the NLFCZD parcels.


The Spokane County Board of Commissioner’s support is greatly appreciated!

Watch for notices of public meetings on the Board of Appraisers as this process moves forward.

The Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District Advisory Board
Karen Stebbins
Jim Quigley
Dennis Rewinkel
Polly Phipps
Stephanie Kennedy
Karen Taff
LeaAnn Gould
Dan Clark