Upcoming event:
Annual 4th of July Poker Run
Sponsored by the Newman Lake Property Owner's Association and Silverbeard's Marina!
Thursday, July 4 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Start at any dock with a yellow flag on it to get your playing card
Questions? Want to host a dock or donate a prize? Contact info@newmanlakewa.com

Newman Lake 3rd Annual Poker Run
The 3rd annual 4th of July Newman Lake Poker Run from 11:30AM - 2:00PM! Pick up a playing sheet at any participating dock marked by a bright flag. Each dock you will draw a card and have that card marked on your playing sheet. Once you have at least 5 cards marked...

NL Fire Auxilary Hot Dog and T Shirt Sale
Our annual sale will be the Saturday BEFORE the 4th, mark your calendars. Hot Dogs are available all day, T Shirts tend to go fast! ***This year, Walmart has donated a 10.5' paddle board for us to raffle. Tickets will be sold at the sale, the winner will be drawn at...

Kelli Lemley Named Volunteer of the Year!
Congratulations to Newman Lake Fire Auxiliary President Kelli McCollim Bader Lemley for being named Volunteer of the Year by Newman Lake Fire and Rescue. This award is well deserved for all you do, and the community is awfully proud of you!
Newman Lake, WA
Important Contact Information
- Emergency Response – Call 9-1-1
- Crime Check – Phone: (509) 456-2233 to report any unusual activity
- Newman Lake Fire & Rescue – Phone: (509) 226-1482 · (509) 226-5384
- Newman Lake S.C.O.P.E. – Sheriff Community Oriented Policing Effort. Phone: (509) 226-4357
- Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Marine Enforcement: Deputy James Ebel, (509) 477-7608
- Inland Power & Light – Phone – (509) 747-7151. Power outage report line (877) 668-8243. Website Link to report and monitor power outages.
- Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife – Spokane Office – (509) 892-1001 for assistance with wildlife encounters – moose, cougars, etc