Advisory Board - NLFCZD
Advisory Board
the Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District (NLFCZD) is managed by Spokane County and is responsible for the lake level control and the water quality of Newman Lake and the control and treatment of invasive species in the lake.
Our lake community is represented to the District by an Advisory Board comprised of eight community members. The District was formed 50 years ago and implemented in the 1970s, a level control structure that keeps the lake from flooding during the spring runoff and keeps the lake at a “full” recreational level during the summer months. In the 1990s, an Oxygen and Alum injection system was installed to control the Phosphorus levels in the water. Phosphorus is the primary nutrient source for algae growth. District property owners, which lie in close proximity to the lake currently pay an assessment that funds the annual district budget of about $320,000.
We all want stable property values, a clean lake for recreation, and to enjoy the beauty of the lake with the hopes by many, that this setting can be passed on to their children. The Advisory Board is moving to take a more active role in representing you to the district and give you a voice to get answers to some of these questions. The plan is to share lake information with the community, from members that live here in the community, on many of these topics of interest. Your involvement and feedback is very important in this process.
Voting: LeaAnn Gould (assessment payer), Term expires 2026
Voting: Jim Quigley (assessment payer), Term expires 2024
Voting: Nick Marquess (assessment payer), Term expires 2027
Voting: Dan Clark (assessment payer), Term expires 2025
Voting: Rick Guthrie, (assessment payer), Term expires 2025
Non-Voting: Steve Schleer, (assessment payer), Term expires 2026
Non-Voting: Stephanie Kennedy (assessment payer), Term expires 2024
Summer Community Meeting June 26
NLFCZD Advisory Board Community Summer Meeting
June 26, 2019
AGENDA & SLIDES presented at the meeting CLICK HERE
THANK YOU for attending the meeting! We appreciate those who attend that are looking to educate themselves on Newman Lake issues.
Fall Community Meeting Nov 7
NLFCZD Advisory Board Fall Meeting
November 7, 2018
November 7th was the second community meeting held by the NLFCZD Advisory Board, at the Grange Hall from 6 to 8 pm. This meeting was structured a little different than “meetings” of the past as community members will be briefing you on a variety of community issues, many of which we need the community’s help and input on.
AGENDA & SLIDES presented at the meeting CLICK HERE
THANK YOU for attending the meeting in our off-season. We appreciate those who attend that are looking to educate themselves on Newman Lake issues.
Summer Community Meeting June 18
NLFCZD Advisory Board Summer Meeting
June 21, 2018
June 21st was the first community meeting held by the NLFCZD Advisory Board, at the Grange Hall from 6 to 8 pm. This meeting was structured a little different than “summer meetings” of the past as community members will be briefing you on a variety of community issues, many of which we need the community’s help and input on.
AGENDA & SLIDES presented at the meeting CLICK HERE
Advisory Board Members and Representative Regions
NL Region | Representative | Contact Information |
#1 Lake West/North #1 Lake West/South |
LeaAnn Gould |
206-499-4109 cell |
#2 Lake South | Stephanie Kennedy | 402-926-6732 or |
#3 Lake South East | Polly Phipps | 678-333-6423 or |
#4 Lake North East | ||
#5 Lake North | Jim Quigley | 509-927-0412 or |
#6 District Southeast | ||
#7 District Southwest | ||
#8 District North | Dan Clark | 509-927-0412 or |
Your community members that serve on the Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District Advisory Board are now tasked with being representative of certain areas of Newman Lake. Each representative would like to invite you to reach out with a few thoughts on your experiences at Newman Lake.
The contact information for each representative, region and NLFCZD Advisory Board names are on this page. A region map is located on this page also so you can determine what region you are located. Please email or call with a quick hello and let us know what you are thinking about Newman Lake issues. It can be anything from water quality, erosion, assessments, lake level, non-native invasive species or just to let us know who you are. If you feel more comfortable contacting a representative outside of your district that is acceptable.

1. Lake West – This area includes all assessed parcels on the West side of the lake from the ridge between Sutton Bay and McFaddin’s on the south end to about the midpoint of the northern end of the western lobe of the lake to the North. This area includes the
parcels with the following numbers:
a. 56103. (all assessed parcels)
b. 56105. (all assessed parcels)
c. 56102. (all assessed parcels)
d. 56091. (all assessed parcels)
e. 56096. (all assessed parcels)
f. 56044. (all assessed parcels)
g. 56045. (all assessed parcels)
2. Lake South – This area extends from the ridge between Sutton Bay and McFaddin’s on the west boundary to the flood plain below the levee. This area includes the parcels with the following numbers:
a. 56156. (all assessed parcels)
b. 56104. (all assessed parcels)
c. 56151. (all assessed parcels)
d. 56101. (all assessed parcels)
3. Lake Southeast – This area includes the assessed lots on the South east side of the lake from “Frog Rock” on the North end to the Marina on the South end. This area includes the parcels with the following numbers:
a. 56034. (all assessed parcels with 0100s, or numbers above 0500)
b. 56023. (all assessed parcels)
c. 56026. (all assessed parcels)
d. 56112. (all assessed parcels)
e. 56115 (all assessed parcels)
4. Lake Northeast – Area includes the assessed areas on the Northeast side of the lake extending from Meadows Lane and N. East Newman Lake Drive to the north going south to roughly the point at “frog rock”. This area includes the parcels with the following numbers:
a. 57344. (all assessed parcels)
b. 56031. (all assessed parcels)
c. 56034. (assessed parcels with 0200s, 0300s, 0400s numbers)
5. Lake North – Area includes the areas currently paying assessments in the Peninsula area extending to the west to about midpoint of the north end of the western lobe of the lake and extending all the way around the north end of the Eastern lobe of the lake to Meadows Lane and N East Newman Lake Road. This area includes the parcels with the following Parcel numbers:
a. 56033. (all assessed parcels)
b. 56032. (all assessed parcels)
c. 56041. (all assessed parcels)
d. 57343. (all assessed parcels)
e. 57342. (all assessed parcels)
f. 57341. (all assessed parcels)
g. 57345. (all assessed parcels)
“Balance” of District:
This area includes assessed and non-assessed parcels of the district in the flood plain to the south end of the lake and the non-assessed portions of the district surrounding the lake.
6. District Southeast – This area is the assessed and non-assessed areas of the district in the flood plain below the levee to the south and west boundaries of the district. This area includes the parcels with the following numbers:
a. 56242. (non-assessed) l. 56111. (assessed and non-assessed)
b. 56241. (non-assessed) m. 56115. (assessed and non-assessed)
c. 56243. (non-assessed) n. 56113. (assessed and non-assessed)
d. 56245. (non-assessed) o. 56122. (assessed and non-assessed)
e. 56244. (non-assessed) p. 56126. (assessed and non-assessed)
f. 56132. (assessed and non-assessed) q. 56123. (assessed and non-assessed)
g. 56135. (assessed and non-assessed) r. 56121. (non-assessed)
h. 56133. (non-assessed) s. 56124. (non-assessed)
i. 56131. (non-assessed)
j. 56136. (non-assessed)
k. 56134. (non-assessed)
7. District Southwest – This area is the non-assessed areas of the district to the southwest of the lake extending to the South and West boundaries of the district. This area includes the parcels with the following numbers:
a. 56221. (non-assessed) l. 56151. (non-assessed)
b. 56222. (non-assessed) m. 56152. (non-assessed)
c. 56223. (non-assessed) n. 56153. (non-assessed)
d. 56224. (non-assessed) o. 56154. (non-assessed)
e. 56225. (non-assessed) p. 56155. (non-assessed)
f. 56226. (non-assessed) q. 56141. (non-assessed)
g. 56231. (non-assessed) r. 56142. (non-assessed)
h. 56232. (non-assessed) s. 56143. (non-assessed)
i. 56233. (non-assessed) t. 56144. (non-assessed)
j. 56234. (non-assessed) u. 56145. (non-assessed)
k. 56236. (non-assessed)
8. District North – This area is the non-assessed areas of the district to the East, West and north of the lake extending to the outer boundaries of the district. This area includes the parcels with the following numbers:
a. 56102. (non-assessed) aaa. 57285. (non-assessed)
b. 56103. (non-assessed) bbb. 57286. (non-assessed)
c. 56081. (non-assessed) ccc. 57271. (non-assessed)
d. 56082. (non-assessed) ddd. 57272. (non-assessed)
e. 56083. (non-assessed) eee. 57273. (non-assessed)
f. 56084. (non-assessed) fff. 57275. (non-assessed)
g. 56085. (non-assessed) ggg. 57261. (non-assessed)
h. 56091. (non-assessed) hhh. 57262. (non-assessed)
i. 56051. (non-assessed) iii. 57263. (non-assessed)
j. 56052. (non-assessed) jjj. 57264. (non-assessed)
k. 56053. (non-assessed) kkk. 57265. (non-assessed)
l. 56054. (non-assessed) lll. 57201. (non-assessed)
m. 56055. (non-assessed) mmm. 57204. (non-assessed)
n. 56041. (non-assessed) nnn. 57211. (non-assessed)
o. 56042. (non-assessed) ooo. 57214. (non-assessed)
p. 56043. (non-assessed) ppp. 57215. (non-assessed)
q. 56044. (non-assessed) qqq. 57230. (non-assessed)
r. 56045. (non-assessed) rrr. 57221. (non-assessed)
s. 56046. (non-assessed) sss. 57222. (non-assessed)
t. 56031. (non-assessed) ttt. 57223. (non-assessed)
u. 56034. (non-assessed) uuu. 57224. (non-assessed)
v. 56012. (non-assessed) vvv. 57225. (non-assessed)
w. 56013. (non-assessed) www. 57160. (non-assessed)
x. 56016. (non-assessed) xxx. 57151. (non-assessed)
y. 56021. (non-assessed) yyy. 57152. (non-assessed)
z. 56022. (non-assessed) zzz. 57153. (non-assessed)
aa. 56023. (non-assessed) aaaa. 57154. (non-assessed)
bb. 56024. (non-assessed) bbbb. 57141. (non-assessed)
cc. 57321. (non-assessed) cccc. 57144. (non-assessed)
dd. 57322. (non-assessed) dddd. 57145. (non-assessed)
ee. 57323. (non-assessed) eeee. 57101. (non-assessed)
ff. 57324. (non-assessed) ffff. 57102. (non-assessed)
gg. 57325. (non-assessed) gggg. 57103. (non-assessed)
hh. 57331. (non-assessed) hhhh. 57104. (non-assessed)
ii. 57332. (non-assessed) iiii. 57114. (non-assessed)
jj. 57333. (non-assessed) jjjj. 57115. (non-assessed)
kk. 57334. (non-assessed) kkkk. 57121. (non-assessed)
ll. 57341. (non-assessed) llll. 57122. (non-assessed)
mm. 57342. (non-assessed) mmmm. 57123. (non-assessed)
nn. 57343. (non-assessed) nnnn. 57124. (non-assessed)
oo. 57345. (non-assessed) oooo. 57031. (non-assessed)
pp. 57352. (non-assessed) pppp. 57032. (non-assessed)
qq. 57353. (non-assessed) qqqq. 57035. (non-assessed)
rr. 57354. (non-assessed) rrrr. 57021. (non-assessed)
ss. 57355. (non-assessed) ssss. 57022. (non-assessed)
tt. 57356. (non-assessed) tttt. 57023. (non-assessed)
uu. 57365. (non-assessed) uuuu. 57024. (non-assessed)
vv. 57290. (non-assessed) vvvv. 57010. (non-assessed)
ww. 57281. (non-assessed) wwww. 58352. (non-assessed)
xx. 57282. (non-assessed) xxxx. 58355. (non-assessed)
yy. 57283. (non-assessed)
zz. 57284. (non-assessed)